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Findsight helps you explore and compare the core ideas from thousands of non-fiction works. Add one or more filters to the search below and click Find. Or jump straight into it with a random insight, click titles for more context, and use the → arrow to explore more related claims! Need help? Read the search guide.

How to search with Findsight

Findsight is a search engine that lets you explore non-fiction content based on claims — the key points made by sources. You can discover and compare claims from various sources, see how authors tackle issues differently, and navigate to related claims to create your own learning journey. You can also find links to the original books or article. This approach is called syntopical reading.

New to Findsight? Click the Random button to explore a random claim and related sources. Click titles for more context around highlighted claims, and use the arrow to explore more related claims.

Filters: Basic Filters

Findsight offers basic and AI-powered filters to refine search results. Let's start with the basics.

The mention filter works like Google, finding sources based on literal text. It's a good starting point but may lack precision. For example, searching "running" yields results about the sport, running a business, and state-run systems.

To refine results, use the references filter. Type "running" and select from suggestions. Suggestions marked "W" link to Wikipedia. Others are named entities — concepts referenced across sources, categorized for differentiation:

Skill running

is a named entity, note the category Skill

Run (baseball)

is a linked entity, note the Wikipedia icon

Add as many entities as needed, then choose whether a source must contain one or all to match using the dropdown. Clear the input and type something else to find new suggestions.

The discuss filter works like the references filter but targets topics — specific tags linked to a source. Topics appear below each result's title as an expandable list.

In the mention filter input, and in the search input for discuss and reference, you can use prefixes (asterisks) and alternatives using OR, e.g. dus* OR wash* will find both dusting and washrooms.

Filters: AI-powered Search

Note: You can run 50 searches using AI filters per day. You can run more by removing an AI filter.

Findsight's AI-powered filters, state and answer, enable advanced searching.

The state filter, also used by the Random button and explore arrow (), lets you enter a custom claim and find related claims — useful for citations.

The answer filter finds claims that address a question you enter, providing context and data to help answer it.

Pro tip: Share these results as

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